JS rest and spread in ES2015 / ES2018
Rest / Spread is kind of a cousin to destructuring, and has become a must in modern JS… Learn how to unleash its power on objects and iterables!
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Rest / Spread is kind of a cousin to destructuring, and has become a must in modern JS… Learn how to unleash its power on objects and iterables!
Destructuring has quickly become a staple of modern JS code… but are you sure you understand it properly?
So you think you now everything on ES2015+ classes? Let’s wager you’ll still learn a ton in this article…
Fed up with having to use a temp variable just so you can add a dynamically-named property to object literals? Computed property names to the rescue!
Make your object literals lighter with shorthand syntax for properties and methods, available since ES0215.
Enjoy our new must-see series of articles and videos: Idiomatic JS!
Proxies are a wonderful feature from ES2015. This post explores a cool trick you can do with them: negative array indices.
Have you heard about new.target? Thanks to this unusual reference, you can easily implement abstract classes by forbidding some uses of the new operator…
Forget numerical for: the for…of loop that came out in ES2015 is your new best friend. Such versatility!
Sometimes a plain object is enough. Other times you’ll want a Map. But why, and how, can you switch between one and the other?
With everyone boarding the “object spread” train, is there still a place for the Object.assign(…) API? Are they even different? Yes, and yes!
ES2018 finally brings named capturing groups to regular expressions and boy is it cool!