We train people with disabilities
Updated on 29 April 2024

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At Delicious Insights, we strive to provide as wide an access as possible to our trainings. This is not just about keeping prices reasonable and being easy to find online, but also about adapting our sessions to the disabilities of people who’d like to attend.

Let’s find a solution together

The first step is telling us about you. Get in touch with our Head of Disabilities, Christophe Porteneuve, through e-mail at handicap@delicious-insights.com or phone at +33 662 059 656, to tell us all about what trainings you’d like to get and the specifics of your disabilities, needs and expectations.

For most disabilities, solutions exist as long as we are all bringing our best selves to the table!

We’ll work together (you, us and the trainers) to figure out what adaptations can be implemented to provide an optimal training experience for you.

If we do land on a setup to your satisfaction, then awesome!

Sadly, it remains possible that we might not figure out a full solution for your specific case. If you are subject to French labor law, we would then reorient you towards the relevant partners in our network so they could help you put together a solution with a third party. Outside of this legal area, you would have to figure out alternatives on your own: we unfortunately can’t know about every local initiative and resource the world over.